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Monday morning…Feeling stressed?

For me, in addition to the BACP’s at-work list (see below) for Stress Awareness Month, I have found exercise, mediation - and proper sleep - to be great after-work burnout busters. …and an 8-week mindfulness course with Simon Armstrong (aka Quiet Coach) is highly recommended (and tried and rested by me). …and a 10 week Coursera / Yale course on the Science of Well-being (the happiness course from Dr Laurie Santos) was a top lock-down experience The Science of Well-Being | Yale University #mindfulness #happiness #stress #burnout #stressawarenessmonth BACP

April is #StressAwarenessMonth - an opportunity to raise awareness and speak about ways we can manage it. Here are 6 tips to manage stress in the workplace💜 If you have more tips, please share below ⬇️ #MentalHealth #MondayMotivation

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